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Friday, September 08, 2006

United Church calls for ban on bottled water

United Church calls for ban on bottled water. Church officials say people are paying taxes for their water and then purchasing it again from the grocery when there is no reason not to drink tap water. There are also criticism of the 'Big 4' companies (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Danone, Nestle), including price gouging, misleading marketing and labeling.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Strategy for church growth splits congregants

The Purpose Driven methodology seems to be causing controversy and schisms as the strategy for church growth splits congregants. Is Rick Warren a Luther in disguise? Warren says not to use the exact same model of his congregation as each local body is different. That does not stop the copy cats from trying to impose a Southern California model on their home churches. Some people don't read the fine print.

Indulge in Some Papal Souvenirs

Spiegel reports on the Holy Kitsch:

"The souvenir items run the gamut from fashion (a Ratzinger hat), to food (the Ratzi bratwurst), to alcoholic beverages (Benedict Beer) to china (Ratzinger teacups). Someone has even come up with the idea of an eraser bearing the pope's likeness. It's called the 'Ratzefummel.'"

I guess it is not as bad as selling salvation, and some of this stuff is kinda cool. I still have my JPII pennant from the Rose Bowl.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Jim Collins and the Social Sector

Jim Collins, Author of Good to Great and Built to last, has a new work dedicated to the Social and Non-profit sectors of business. Check out the free excerpts here.