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Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

The Baptists are lightening up on their stand against DisneyAccording to this article- Memories of SBC boycott fade as Disney lake hosts baptisms:

"The baptisms came at the end of a fading boycott that started in the 1990s, when SBC leaders criticized then-Disney chairman Michael Eisner for instituting gay-friendly products and company policies. SBC members also decried perceived sexual licentiousness in some Disney movies."

Though the SBC leaders in this article say they were never for the boycott, I thought it was excellent. Disney is motivated by profit, so if you want to get their attention you have to vote with your dollars.

I call them the Evil Empire ever since I worked for them at Disney Ice in Anaheim CA for 2 years in the 90's. I got an up close and personal view of how Disney treats its "cast members." Thankfully they have since left hockey which may give the Mighty ones a chance at being a legit NHL team in the future.

Calling Card Indulgence

This is the closest thing to an indulgence I have seen for a while. Though this does not promise salvation, it is still pretty tacky: Holy calling card gets you blessed by Mexican priest VivirLatino

Sure the church makes some money, but what does this do to their image? How many people are going to be turned off to this (like the blogger where I got this info). Even if you think the church is a business (which I do not) it is still bad business due to the mass of people you alienate (pun intended).

Is Jesus Your Boyfriend?

Want to reach roughly half the population? Most churches aren't. Check out to learn why and get some resouces on how to make changes, like this free guide they offer. Here's a quote from the newsletter they just sent me:

"Harold and I are going to be praying and brainstorming ideas for how we can "man up" worship in America — starting with PK events. We're praying that God shows us an alternative to "Jesus is my boyfriend music." Please pray with us. "

That makes me laugh, because it's true. I always say I don't like worship music, but when I am sitting at my computer I will get swept away by a hard driving worship song by Mortal, P.O.D., The OC Supertones or Plankeye. So I guess it is not that I don't like worship music, I just don't like the kind they play at church.

How is your Church reaching men? What kind of music do you play?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Seedy Side of Indy

An article in the Los Angeles Times explains how churches are embracing and using technology. They are pushing the limits beyond PowerPoint with imagination catching pictures and situations:

"An evangelical church in Granger, Ind., put up billboards a few months back showing a rumpled bed, entwined feet and the address . That site linked to an artsy mini-movie with shots of a seedy motel and a man sunk in morning-after regret.

'Is your sex life a bore? A chore? Why does it seem like everyone else is having all the fun?' the text asked. As the movie ended, viewers for the first time saw the logo of Granger Community Church, which was sponsoring five weeks of sermons on sex, lust and porn. The tagline: 'We're not afraid to talk about it.'"

If it can happen in Indy, it will happen in your church. Your congregation has to resopond to this technology and mindset by either capturing it and using it for God's glory, or by building yourself a monestary and hiding. What will it be for your church?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Churches Embrace the Web In Bid to Attract Members

Great article on - Churches Embrace the Web In Bid to Attract Members.

"Churches with an evangelical bent often lead the way when it comes to harnessing technology, though some traditional congregations are also experimenting -- even the Vatican has podcasts. Still, some Christians are concerned about using unmoderated social-networking sites that may contain adult language and racy photos."

If you try to control the message, you don't understand web 2.0 or Christianity 2.0. This communication tool is based on trust and openness, that means risk which most churches are averse to. This guy gets it:

"Churches that overthink the logistics can kill the buzz," said Brian Bailey, Web director for Fellowship Church, which includes four Southern Baptist churches in Greater Dallas. "The churches that are most nervous and thinking most about it are the ones who don't do it," he said. "Blogs don't usually work very well when they're planned."

Do you get it? Does your church? If not, you are better off not getting into the mix. Stick with your overhead projector and hamburger fellowships, at least you are being yourself. So even if you are behind the times at least you are authentic.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Giving Box

One of my peeves at church is the old passing of the plate. It is not very friendly to visitors- regardless of how many times you say "don't feel obligated to give if you are visiting." It is hard not to feel obligated when someone passes you a plate, bucket, or other receptacle.

Taking my Catholic in-laws to service for their yearly Easter visit results in an affirmation in their minds that the Church is a business. My Father-in-Law puts money in the plate like he is paying for fries at the drive through. In his mind it is just how it works and he is not going to go to Church and not pay- especially when the bucket is passed to him.

Mature Christians will give. If they are giving because you passed a plate then they should not be giving anyway. Whatever happened to the old give in secret thing?

Alas, the Quest service at Efree of St. Louis has a giving box available in the back for those who are tithing. People who want to give can, but there is no pressure and no public displays. An answer to my prayers. Way to go guys! (Note: I took this picture with my Palm so it is not the best quality.)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Last Da Vinci Code Post

I have been inundated with church related stories that have to do with the Da Vince Code. I decided not to post any more items about this topic- overkill. But this article in The Age is different:

"Religious leaders have already publicly condemned The Da Vinci Code for its claim of a sexual relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene but the churches are also cashing in. Churches all over the world have launched websites to contest claims made in the book and to attract new members. The Anglican Church in NSW is spending $50,000 on a cinema advertising campaign debunking some of the book's more contentious claims."

These sites are not going to change the perceived image of the makers of the Da Vinci Code movie, but they will change the image of the real church. There is something to Bill's line about "Me thinks thee doth protest too much."

Church trying to convey God's relevance to everyday life reports on a church in Asheville, NC that is using marketing to reach people and gain critics. A spokesman for the church explains:

...(this) church is not so much about marketing as it is about trying to speak a language people can understand."

Do you have a problem with that?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Separation of Church and Affiliate Marketing

Shawn Collins may be targeting your church. He sees a possible Separation of Church and Affiliate Marketing and reasons:

"...Could this be a powerhouse breeding ground for affiliate programs that's been somewhat neglected to date? That's what I'm starting to investigate. "

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why Don't Ad Agencies Advertise?

Simon Sinek asks Why Don't Ad Agencies Advertise?:

"Considering that agencies recommend their clients spend 10% of their revenues on marketing, the big four are spending .01% of their combined $29.3 billion in global revenue. Mull that for a second or two."

People waste tons of money on marketing because they don't truly understand the process. What they see is the big dollar mass market campaigns like TV, Print and radio. Before spending a dime on promotion (like ads) you must find your advantage, define your purpose and create an image. Your promotions must be focused on building relationships. To see if it is working you must gain feedback, then make changes based on the information you gather. These are the Seven Keys to Marketing Genius.

Postmodern Church Conference- Are We Too Relevant?

A conference on the postmodern church was held at Tyndale University. ChristianWeek reports:

"Keynote speakers also included Blue Like Jazz author Donald Miller, who says in many churches, a 'slick PR marketing style sales pitch' has been substituted for the message of Christ. 'We have accepted a free market translation of the Scripture,' said Miller. 'While the Church peddles an offer that will make your life better and fulfil you emotionally and in every other way, Jesus' message was different..."

"...“Now we have gone even further, with some of our churches looking like nightclubs and coffee houses where we go to be entertained by a band or performer.”

The challenge is to be relevant to our culture while communicating the same timeless truths of the Bible. It is not always easy and people are prone to extremes, but what is the alternative? We can't stop trying.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Cheesy Jesus Collection

Sports and Bobble Head Bible Heroes

Minor league teams are seeing success with Christian themed games and giveaways such as the Nashville Sound:

"Hugely popular 'faith nights' launched three years ago by the Nashville Sounds minor-league baseball team, treat fans to giveaways such as the biblical bobble-heads, camouflage Bibles, and special pre- and postgame appearances by Christian cartoon VeggieTales characters such as Bob the Tomato."

I was told not to write my fraternity letters on bathroom walls and sidewalks because it was not a good representation of Pi Kappa Phi. I give the same recommendation to clients, sometimes less is more. Just because you can put your logo on a roll of toilet paper, does not mean you should. I have the same feeling about these promotions.

On the other hand, if you are creating something of value that people want, regardless of the Christian connection, then you have done your job of leading the culture. If you are able to give away a promotion that is so cool that anybody would want one, then you are making your message irresistable. Unfortunately the items mentioned in this article sound like copy cat and me too items that make Christian look, once again, second class.